Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry Blossom!

From Miette

That's right! Inspired by Japantown's annual Cherry Blossom Festival, the gorgeous spread in Martha Stewart Weddings, and of course the carried-away pink-&-white blooming cherry tree in front of our confiserie, we're having a tiny cherry blossom festival of our own!

From Miette

Oh, sweet little Milkies! These glossy buttons are Denmarks version of m&ms, and all the more elegant for the missing m's. $3/bag

From Miette

Now, you have to give me a little creative license on this one: a bag of cherry jelly beans, while delicious, would not really evoke the whole glorious wonder of the cherry trees themselves. You know? We're counting on Pear, Toasted Marshmallow, & Strawberry Shortcake to evoke the lovely palette of leaves, branches, & blooms. $3/bag

From Miette

Lollipops so satiny you'll want to wear them as accessories. Satiny, sticky accessories... $3.50/each

From Miette

And eventually, if the all goes well, all these blossoms will lead to cherries! Fruit trees are such over-achievers. Either the flowers or the fruit would be more than enough, but they have to go all the way! Marzipan cherries, $5

Let's have another look at our very own cherry tree, proud producer of 3 cherries last year:
From Miette
Thanks sweet tree, you're an honorary Miettegirl.


Food Gal said...

Those marzipan cherries would be so pretty on top of a white-frosted cake. The picture of spring. ;)

Miette said...

I love the idea of marzipan cherries on a white cake! So elegant! Plus, it would give you something to snack on while you're waiting for dessert time....